2007. 1. 28. Windy Day.
I think it'll nice to take a walk in the park or have a picnic.
But i am sitting home in assignment.

I spent a long break from my assignment to settle this page.
Don't really has much mood in word.
LEt's start with some pix i took lately.

with dut when we were driving home.

Its hard to say where it came from or where did it went.

The sky. beautiful but you only
can take just a piece at one time.

Sunset. So quickly it just disappeared
while I was digging out my handphone.

I love to take pix, but fail to use Flash.
I love paintings, but fail to draw it.

I always wish to keep a picture 'till it turns the colour of age.

I don't think a explanation is needed
about why they are beautiful.

It's a b'day. Point is happy, Aim is forever.

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